The analysis of Conflicts over the Conservation of Marine Living Resources: Third States, Governance, Fragmentation and other recurring issues in International Law" confined to the conservation of living marine resources, the reader can also apply the critique in this essay to other branches of inte...
The analysis of Conflicts over the Conservation of Marine Living Resources: Third States, Governance, Fragmentation and other recurring issues in International Law" confined to the conservation of living marine resources, the reader can also apply the critique in this essay to other branches of international law, and try to better understand the difficulty of addressing problems of common concerns. These are at present very topical problems accelerated by a combination of factors such as globalization, advances in science and technology, pollution, and scarcity of resources. International law, on the other hand, has been falling behind. To prove responsive enough in the future, it will need all states to think and act as one, and move from traditional and one-way positions to a multilateral and fully-encompassing approach based on sound scientific findings."
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