This volume is inspired by the results of a research carried out in the context of a project of national interest financed by the Italian Ministry of Education, Universities and Research on the observance of the principle of democracy by international economic organizations. Our research team has fo...
This volume is inspired by the results of a research carried out in the context of a project of national interest financed by the Italian Ministry of Education, Universities and Research on the observance of the principle of democracy by international economic organizations. Our research team has focused on the Bretton Woods Institutions. The results of this research have been the subject of a broader discussion with academics and experts in the field. As is well known, the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank are financial institutions that came into existence towards the end of the Second World War, in 1944, about 1 year before the San Francisco Conference signed the creation of a new global organization, the United Nations. They were pillars of that same institutional framework, which aimed to guarantee a new global order based on the restriction of the use of force in the relations between States and on the observance of the fundamental rights of human beings. Until now, these institutions have undergone no significant changes to their original structure as far as their internal governance is concerned nor to their decision-making mechanisms, which still basically reflect the balance and principles of the period when they were created. This is so, despite the fundamental changes that have occurred within the international community, both in quantitative and qualitative terms and, consequently, within its internal balances.
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