Our planet is facing massive economic and social challenges: religion, economy, state politics, international and religious rights, and soft rules are all part of this transformation, which combines in a new way modern and contemporary paradigms.
By focusing on Islamic finance, this book explores h...
Our planet is facing massive economic and social challenges: religion, economy, state politics, international and religious rights, and soft rules are all part of this transformation, which combines in a new way modern and contemporary paradigms.
By focusing on Islamic finance, this book explores how contemporary organizations implement strategies for integrating economic growth with financial stability and interact, as factors of “economic pluralism”, with other “justice-oriented” economic approaches.
By adopting a multidisciplinary approach, the book also analyses how laws, economics, and finance affect the evolution of the financial system and transform economic instruments such as funds and contracts, which are crucial for creating new business opportunities. The practice of Islamic finance and banking will be analysed in details through the lenses offered by studies of economics and management.
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