In recent years, the term “digital” has morphed from a simple descriptor into a buzzword that echoes in boardrooms, classrooms, and living rooms around the globe. It is splashed across headlines, woven into company mission statements, and is often hailed as a sign of a forthcoming transformation...
In recent years, the term “digital” has morphed from a simple descriptor into a buzzword that echoes in boardrooms, classrooms, and living rooms around the globe. It is splashed across headlines, woven into company mission statements, and is often hailed as a sign of a forthcoming transformation. But what does “digital” truly mean? And when we talk about “digital innovation” or “digital transformation,” what are we really referring to?
The popularity of the term can sometimes mask its complexity. Different sectors, industries, and individuals interpret “digital” in different ways, often leading to a confluence of meanings and, at times, confusion. As we approach a future that’s becoming more and more digitized, it is crucial to clarify these terms, laying a foundation for understanding their transformative potential.
This book is about managing digital innovation in such a dynamic and complex environment. The main themes and objectives of the book revolve around the nature and characteristics of digital innovation and why it requires a different approach from traditional innovation. It focuses on strategy development in three main directions: the effective governance of digital innovation, the identification and nurturing of pivotal digital capabilities, and the optimal integration of human-technology interactions. All these strategies are directed towards achieving a successful digital transformation.
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