This textbook provides a sufficiently complete and systematic overview of human rights law, giving an account of the most relevant practice and case law, but also dealing with theoretical issues. It offers an original approach, trying to reconcile its didactic purpose with the scientific one, in the...
This textbook provides a sufficiently complete and systematic overview of human rights law, giving an account of the most relevant practice and case law, but also dealing with theoretical issues. It offers an original approach, trying to reconcile its didactic purpose with the scientific one, in the belief that there must be a necessary synergy between these two purposes. Furthermore, the author is convinced that international human rights law should not be studied (as it occurs in almost all textbooks) as a special legal regime, separate and autonomous from the overall system of international law; but as a regime that is fully integrated into the international legal order. This book has as its dominant theme the mutual relationship between international human rights law and general international law. Following this approach, the author has chosen to devote little space to the institutional issues (Part IV) and to deepen instead the themes of the structural impact of human rights on the entire international order (Part I), on the sources (Part II), on the obligations (Part III), as well as the part of the book that deals with the content of "fundamental" human rights (Part V), without neglecting other rights (Part VI).
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