Since its inception, the European Court of Human Rights has been at the forefront of the interpretative effort to clarify and develop human rights law in controversial factual and political contexts. Given this role, this book discusses some of the most important decisions the Court has issued on th...
Since its inception, the European Court of Human Rights has been at the forefront of the interpretative effort to clarify and develop human rights law in controversial factual and political contexts. Given this role, this book discusses some of the most important decisions the Court has issued on the right to life under Article 2 of the European Convention on Human Rights and includes a critical analysis of the judicial developments linked to those judgments.
To students, the book offers an instructive resource on cases and international norms relating to the right to life. It achieves this through a methodology that prioritises reading primary sources, studying law in concreto by testing it against the facts to which it applies, and stimulating curiosity in the process of learning how to learn. To scholars and practitioners, it provides a tool to appraise the contribution of the Strasbourg jurisprudence to the human right to life and to identify the work that remains to be done.
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