This book offers a newly approach to assess and manage risks in SMEs, by adopting a multidisciplinary approach. In small and medium companies the risk management process cannot be often formalised and procedures are usually integrated unconsciously into the decision-making process. Therefore, to enh...
This book offers a newly approach to assess and manage risks in SMEs, by adopting a multidisciplinary approach. In small and medium companies the risk management process cannot be often formalised and procedures are usually integrated unconsciously into the decision-making process. Therefore, to enhance the flexibility of these companies, increase their market share and allow them to grow and manage risks more effectively, the first step is to improve the way decisions are made.
Consequently, it is fundamental for those companies to improve the awareness about the way reasonable decisions are made, which can be achieved only through a proper knowledge and the definition of the Risk Appetite Framework.
SMEs need to understand the importance of an effective internal control system. Hence, the central point is the necessity to start reconsidering the company as a unique entity, by adopting a holistic approach.
“Risk Management in small and medium enterprises” is a multidisciplinary book addressed to academics, students and practitioners.
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