The advent of AI-systems has fundamentally altered the fabric of society as a whole and is set to change our daily lives as well as human and legal relationships between private parties. This book focuses on the non-contractual obligations which arise out of the development and use of AI-systems; bo...
The advent of AI-systems has fundamentally altered the fabric of society as a whole and is set to change our daily lives as well as human and legal relationships between private parties. This book focuses on the non-contractual obligations which arise out of the development and use of AI-systems; both EU substantive and private international law (PIL) provisions on civil liability will be scrutinized. Particularly, the book aims identify a legal framework for AI-systems, characterized as product, following a de lege lata and de lege ferenda approach. The analysis wants to argue that private international law provisions can be an effective tool to achieve the results pursued by the corresponding substantive provisions, and that both substantive and PIL provisions should be ethically oriented and ensure the protection of fundamental rights. The concluding remarks envisages a new direction of European private international law provisions towards a more human-rights oriented approach.
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