Nowadays the reality of migrations defines the policies both of host and origin countries, invades the everyday life of all of us, dominates the public language, builds new borders, and destroys others.
In 1909 Georg Simmel stressed how space in itself does not have any concreteness and is only a fr...
Nowadays the reality of migrations defines the policies both of host and origin countries, invades the everyday life of all of us, dominates the public language, builds new borders, and destroys others.
In 1909 Georg Simmel stressed how space in itself does not have any concreteness and is only a frame, a border that conforms to its content without creating it:
a great empire is not built by a geographical context of a certain number of square miles, but by the psychological forces that keep politically together the inhabitants of these areas from a dominating central point.
This is why borders are a multifaceted concept that adapts to different disciplinary languages, that includes and covers unlike realities… and for this reason represents a useful gimmick to deal with a theme, migrations, that in turn needs numerous perspectives of analysis to be adequately faced.
Borders can have the concreteness of geographical, political and bureaucratic barriers, or they may be metaphorical barriers: identity, prejudices, culture. Through territories and consciences, they mark a space that includes and excludes at the same time. They may be made of words and stones.
They can be drawn, crossed, and deleted.
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