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Routledge-Giappichelli Studies in Law

Pubblicazioni di Routledge-Giappichelli Studies in Law

  1. Brexit and the British Constitution
    Brexit and the British Constitution
    160,00 €
  2. Judicial Review, Fundamental Rights and Rule of Law: The Construction of the European Constitutional Identity
    Judicial Review, Fundamental Rights and Rule of Law: The Con [...]
    160,00 €
  3. Digital Assets and the Law
    Digital Assets and the Law
    137,00 €
  4. Solidarity in International Law
    Solidarity in International Law
    137,00 €
  5. Border, Migration and Globalization
    Border, Migration and Globalization
    137,00 €
  6. Jurists and Legal Science in the History of Roman Law
    Jurists and Legal Science in the History of Roman Law
    137,00 €
  7. Virtual Freedoms - Terrorism - The Law
    Virtual Freedoms - Terrorism - The Law
    137,00 €
  8. The Human right to water
    The Human right to water
    137,00 €
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