The book collects the proceedings of the Seminar Issues of EU Collective Labour Law. What role for the social partners in the light of the challenges posed by the Recovery Plan and the digitalisation of work?, held in Bologna on 19 May 2023. The essays gathered by the editors focus on the unpreceden...
The book collects the proceedings of the Seminar Issues of EU Collective Labour Law. What role for the social partners in the light of the challenges posed by the Recovery Plan and the digitalisation of work?, held in Bologna on 19 May 2023. The essays gathered by the editors focus on the unprecedented challenges to labour law and social partners arising from the digitalisation of the economy and the implementation of the National Recovery and Resilience Plans (NRRPs) drawn up within the NextGenerationEU (NGEU) programme. In fact, the more the world of work changes, the more industrial relations are stimulated to adapt working conditions and labour market policies, as well as work representation and collective bargaining instruments. The various contributions in the volume address these issues, highlighting the adaptive function of social dialogue and collective bargaining at both national and European level and their role in order to exploit the potential and minimize the risks of the digital transition.
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