The Dictionary of International and European Labour Law is a reference tool that covers the latest developments and issues in labour law and industrial relations, with a focus on globalization and international labour standards. It draws on ILO reports and includes cross-references to international ...
The Dictionary of International and European Labour Law is a reference tool that covers the latest developments and issues in labour law and industrial relations, with a focus on globalization and international labour standards. It draws on ILO reports and includes cross-references to international labour standards and EU directives, resolutions, and regulations. It sheds light on issues related to the UN Agenda on sustainable development, the ILO’s Future of Work Initiative, and the Global Coalition for Social Justice. The Dictionary provides practical definitions for practitioners and scholars, broadening readers’ perspectives and contributing to social dialogue. It simplifies terminology to make it more accessible without compromising the meaning of the standards. It is an easy reference work for practitioners and scholars in International and European labour law and comparative industrial relations.
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