The book “Beyond Strategy: how to compete in dynamic businesses” aims to explore the strategic management field with particular reference to the companies of the new millennium. These are companies that follow new logics and business models. Therefore, it is necessary to revisit existing theorie...
The book “Beyond Strategy: how to compete in dynamic businesses” aims to explore the strategic management field with particular reference to the companies of the new millennium. These are companies that follow new logics and business models. Therefore, it is necessary to revisit existing theories and models, adapting them to new contexts of analysis.
The book is divided into 5 chapters. The first chapter introduces the concept of strategy and strategic management, emphasising the matter pertaining strategy formulation. The second chapter shows the importance of strategic analysis for strategic management. Chapter 3 deals with business strategies, i.e. those that can build competitive advantages in a specific business. Furthermore, the chapter offers an economic analysis of competitive advantage. The fourth chapter links business strategies to business models, with emphasis on how companies create, capture and deliver value to customers. Finally, chapter 5 discusses corporate strategies, underlining the concepts of vertical and horizontal integration, outsourcing, and diversification.
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