This book is about the emergence of ecological sustainability as a new EU
policy and legal objective, distinct and autonomous from sustainable development.
It argues that sustainability can no longer be conflated into sustainable
development only, but should be rather represented as a plural constru...
This book is about the emergence of ecological sustainability as a new EU
policy and legal objective, distinct and autonomous from sustainable development.
It argues that sustainability can no longer be conflated into sustainable
development only, but should be rather represented as a plural construction, in
which ecological sustainability coexists next to sustainable development.
While the latter orientates most of the regulatory measures stemming from the
Green Deal, the former is playing an increasing relevant role in a number of
legislative initiatives.
The purpose of the volume is to discuss whether and how the EU legislator is
exploiting the new opportunities brought forth by the redefinition of sustainability.
To do so, a thematic approach has been adopted and the inquiry has been
organized in five different parts, each devoted to one specific transition triggered
by the European Green Deal.
Navigating the dynamics of the many transitions occurring in the horizon of
European climate neutrality, key chapters shed light on the EU regulatory
schemes through which ecological sustainability is in the process of being operationalized
and critically discuss their points of strength, weaknesses and
underlying tensions. In doing so, they provide an overview of the of legal
changes occurring in areas of topical interest such as agri-food, energy, digitalization,
corporate governance and intellectual property, as well as a number
of insights on the relevance of ecological sustainability for the internal dynamism
of the European Green Deal.
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