This fourth edition of the Fundamentals of International Labour Law is conceived as a new and up-to-date manual for university students in this discipline. It integrates the recent international standards, the Declaration on the future of work, and the forthcoming Global Coalition for Social Justice...
This fourth edition of the Fundamentals of International Labour Law is conceived as a new and up-to-date manual for university students in this discipline. It integrates the recent international standards, the Declaration on the future of work, and the forthcoming Global Coalition for Social Justice. It provides a comprehensive review of the evolution and trends of international labour law. The volume offers a brief presentation of the ILO’s standards policy as well as a new reading of the present challenges that labour law faces at the international level, and gives an overview of the main tools and policies for its best implementation at country level. Today, in different parts of the world there is increasing difficulty in the application of international labour standards, and this is mainly due to inadequacies and gaps in the national and regional legal frameworks. The volume presents the ways in which the scope of international labour law applies to the various topics and issues. At the same time, it provides the students with terms, notions, definitions, law and practice in the various regions of the world.
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