This book is a research monograph written in English, titled “Integrated Company Responsibility in the Food and Beverage Industry”.
It focuses upon responsibility practices spread in the food and beverage (F&B) industry and advances the debate around Corporate Social Responsibility (...
This book is a research monograph written in English, titled “Integrated Company Responsibility in the Food and Beverage Industry”.
It focuses upon responsibility practices spread in the food and beverage (F&B) industry and advances the debate around Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) by proposing a new theoretical framework of Integrated Company Responsibility (ICR).
“Integrated Company Responsibility in the Food and Beverage Industry” provides a thorough analysis of the issues and challenges of the modern F&B industry and contextualizes ICR through practical cases of F&B companies of all sizes, from various sectors and industry supply chain levels. ICR is argued to be a more effective form of traditional CSR and a more engaging practice for all stakeholders and, therefore, one solution for F&B companies to proactively deal with the industry’s main challenges: Education and Empowerment; Biodiversity; Waste; Transparent Supply Chain. The book is addressed to students of CSR, Business Strategy and Stakeholder Theory as well as practitioners of the F&B industry.
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