International Law by Sergio Marchisio is a must-have tool to capture the dynamic evolution of international law, facing with the global challenges affecting the international community. This manual, now at its first e-book English edition, through scientific rigour and originality, combines the syst...
International Law by Sergio Marchisio is a must-have tool to capture the dynamic evolution of international law, facing with the global challenges affecting the international community. This manual, now at its first e-book English edition, through scientific rigour and originality, combines the systematic analysis of the norms with the practice of States – essential nourishment of international law – so to underline their mutual relations in all the stages of creation, implementation, and enforcement of the international rules. Students, to which the textbook is mainly addressed, are provided with the knowledge of the fundamental aspects of international law, as a legal system that has experienced impressive developments in the last decades. Chapters of the e-book are devoted to traditional issues, such as those on sources, subjects, adaptation of internal legal systems, international responsibility, and dispute settlement. These are complemented by more evolutionary chapters dealing with the protection of human rights and the environment, the maintenance of peace in the UN framework, the promotion of sustainable development and the advances in the codification of international criminal law. With clear and well-reasoned arguments, International Law allows readers not only to learn the fundamentals of legal technique and language, but also to elaborate autonomous critical reasoning about the essential features of contemporary international law
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