In this volume, the authors deal with a number of labour law issues relating to the impact of Covid-19 pandemic on the world of work, which is deeply different from all previous crises. This diversity lies in its origin and its impact on health in the world of work. Its economic and social impact is...
In this volume, the authors deal with a number of labour law issues relating to the impact of Covid-19 pandemic on the world of work, which is deeply different from all previous crises. This diversity lies in its origin and its impact on health in the world of work. Its economic and social impact is also different: the solutions adopted in previous crises do not offer viable solutions in this post-Covid-19 crisis. This determines a rethinking of work organisation (and its rules) and of the way of producing and rethinking of the founding values of the societal community. This crisis brought us to rethink about the instruments and tools used so far: financial and economic interventions; their completion to cope with the impact of the global upheaval of the epidemic on both the supply and demand sides. The seriousness of the current situation is a wake-up call and at the same time a decisive test for everyone. This represents a moment to intervene more effectively in innovative and sustainable solutions on economic and social issues. In the immediate future, the most urgent issues to be addressed are those to combat the crisis and point the way to full recovery. The search for the way forward is difficult, not only because it takes place under conditions of persistent uncertainty, but also because it must combine new economic, national and European measures with coherent action on social structures adaptable to the new conditions. Only coordinated action in both the economic and social spheres can heal the ruptures of the crisis and promote sustainable development along with the respect of international labour standards.
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