The principle of solidarity is particularly important now because it is in
juxtaposition to some current self-centered trends in politics: the crises
that have upset the world in recent years, such as migrations, hegemonic
aspirations, pandemics, and wars, have made self-evident the inadequacy
of su...
The principle of solidarity is particularly important now because it is in
juxtaposition to some current self-centered trends in politics: the crises
that have upset the world in recent years, such as migrations, hegemonic
aspirations, pandemics, and wars, have made self-evident the inadequacy
of such selfish politics. It therefore seems very useful to understand
the role that solidarity could play in contemporary scenarios. This
book thus collects various contributions on the principle of solidarity in
international law. Firstly, it reconstructs the foundations of solidarity in
law and investigates the origins of the principle. Subsequently, it tries to
ascertain if solidarity exists as a principle in international law and, if so,
what its scope is. The book then examines the eventual implementation
of the principle of solidarity in regional organizations law: the question
is whether solidarity is more effective and if it is actually better fulfilled
when relationships between states get stronger, such as in regional and
sub-regional organizations. Such implementation is notable in EU Law,
but the analysis also involves other regional and sub-regional organizations,
namely the African Union, ECOWAS, the League of Arab States,
and MERCOSUR. This book takes into account not only some distinctive
areas of solidarity, such as migration law, or specific institutional
contexts where solidarity is a declared principle, objective or value,
for example, the European Union, but it also considers whether, and to
what extent, the manifestations of solidarity differ in disparate settings,
trying to discover the reasons behind such divergences.
The book will be of interest to researchers and academics in the areas
of International Law, International Organizations Law, European Law,
Human Rights Law, Business Law, and Constitutional Law.
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