This book discusses two approaches available to firms to shape successful circular strategies: Circular Economy and Circular Districts. The Circular Economy approach considers the firms’ challenges when turning theoretical circular models into practice. Therefore, it discusses the opportunities an...
This book discusses two approaches available to firms to shape successful circular strategies: Circular Economy and Circular Districts. The Circular Economy approach considers the firms’ challenges when turning theoretical circular models into practice. Therefore, it discusses the opportunities and the difficulties in reshaping the corporate strategies by considering circular economy principles. The book highlights how firms should adjust their strategic thinking, redesign their network of relationships, and reconsider the value creation process when circular economy is a concrete option. Furthermore, this book explores the evolution from circular economy to circular districts by revealing the motivations that push both firms and supply chains to redesign their strategies by taking the circular district perspective. The latter plays a new role within modern economy systems and this book conceptualizes and operationalizes its definition. The circular district can represent an effective way to accelerate the energy transition process by developing industrial collaborations and exploiting technology synergies to enhance circularity and achieve economic, environmental, and social targets. The book ends by analyzing some business experiences in the two explored areas and proposing advancements for both the academic and the professional worlds.
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