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Routledge-Giappichelli Studies in Business and Management

The series "Routledge-Giappichelli Studies in Business and Management" brings together the most significant works in Business, Economics and Finance by Italian authors that have been selected by the Giappichelli publishing house for Routledge.

It features cutting-edge research, addressing all of the major issues across a wide range of individual disciplines, helping to define and advance the field.

For further information, click here

Pubblicazioni di Routledge-Giappichelli Studies in Business and Management

  1. Systems Thinking and Viable Systems
    Systems Thinking and Viable Systems
    130,00 €
  2. Strategic Outsourcing, Innovation and Global Supply Chains
    Strategic Outsourcing, Innovation and Global Supply Chains
    137,00 €
  3. Making Sense of Stakeholder Management
    Making Sense of Stakeholder Management
    137,00 €
  4. Socialist Economic Development in the 20ith Century
    Socialist Economic Development in the 20ith Century
    Non disponibile
  5. Strategies for the Circular Economy
    Strategies for the Circular Economy
    137,00 €
  6. Banks and Business Networks
    Banks and Business Networks
    137,00 €
  7. Sustainability and Megaproject Development
    Sustainability and Megaproject Development
    137,00 €
  8. Foundations of Coopetition Strategy
    Foundations of Coopetition Strategy
    137,00 €
  9. Digital Transformation and Knowledge Management
    Digital Transformation and Knowledge Management
    A partire da 116,99 €
  10. Defining, Measuring and Managing Consumer Experiences
    Defining, Measuring and Managing Consumer Experiences
    A partire da 14,99 €
  11. System, Actor, and Process
    System, Actor, and Process
    Non disponibile
  12. Computational Finance
    Computational Finance
    29,00 €
  13. The Global Economy
    The Global Economy
    37,00 €
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