In the light of the leading role that ICTs have played as the glue of service exchanges, the aim of this scientific work is to (re)define service innovation adopting an ecosystems based mind-set intended as an all-encompassing philosophy, which transcends markets, exchanges and the relationship betw...
In the light of the leading role that ICTs have played as the glue of service exchanges, the aim of this scientific work is to (re)define service innovation adopting an ecosystems based mind-set intended as an all-encompassing philosophy, which transcends markets, exchanges and the relationship between goods and services as well as users and providers. To achieve this goal and to explore a complex construct such as service innovation, a multi-dimensional approach is used for describing: the definition and main dimensions of service innovation; the main drivers for service innovation; the innovation business models typical of service-era. Service Science and S-D logic are depicted as the most adequate frameworks for rereading service in digital service era. The main assumptions and evolutions that the two theories have had over time lead to the development of two organizational layouts aimed at addressing contemporary businesses to challenge complexity: service systems and service ecosystems. These two frameworks seem to be complying with a general system thinking that can be considered as an underlying philosophy that encloses S-D logic and SS. This perspective proposes a meta-level able to better explore the relationships between and among micro-, meso- and macro-context. More in depth – combining the main assumptions of S-D logic with systems thinking – service ecosystems represent the mind-set of the entire work. Based on this meta-approach aimed at defining service innovation across the three ecosystems’ levels (micro-, meso- and macro), the main goals of the study are formulated. In particular the proposed transcending systems vision calls for an in-depth exploration of the entire innovation cycle. According to this strategic view on service innovation, its enablers and outcomes can be simultaneously explored through the investigation of the pivot of the entire process, that is resource integration. The co-innovation cycle needs to be managed throughout: 1) all the stages of the co-delivery; 2) all the steps of innovation, from ideas generation and diffusion to co-development; and 3) all the different kinds of innovation generated (from processes innovation to the creation of new service modalities and practices). The book can support decision-making towards a better management of each innovation stage, through the continuous and emerging identification and harmonization of co-creation and engagement patterns. Therefore, service innovation stands out as a philosophy, a managerial orientation to the constant production and reproduction of new knowledge based on a proactive mindset for optimizing, spreading and renewing over time innovation.
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