Intercultural diplomacy is a way of interpreting the work of diplomacy and, more in general, international relations professions through an inclusive attitude. The main objective of an intercultural approach in international relations is pursuing our interests and at the same time aiming at the sati...
Intercultural diplomacy is a way of interpreting the work of diplomacy and, more in general, international relations professions through an inclusive attitude. The main objective of an intercultural approach in international relations is pursuing our interests and at the same time aiming at the satisfaction of our interlocutors, for the sake of the “maximum benefit for the greatest number of people”.
More, it involves the possibility of realizing evolutional and fruitful syntheses in all spheres of life and every domain of international relations, such as politics, economy, trade, development cooperation, public communication, law and culture.
The Intercultural Diplomat is a useful, practical manual on how using soft skills and transversal competences in the everyday life of a diplomat as well as every professional who lives in contact with diversity, and by that contact wants to be enriched.
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