Economics and managerial scholars are largely aware of how difficult it is to
define their field of study. This delimitation is not easy not only with regard to
the definition of the specific research objective, relating to what business economics
studies; but also, and above all, with regard to the...
Economics and managerial scholars are largely aware of how difficult it is to
define their field of study. This delimitation is not easy not only with regard to
the definition of the specific research objective, relating to what business economics
studies; but also, and above all, with regard to the method of investigation
used, which refers to the way in which the business economy conducts its
While the process of identification of the field of study is almost always formalized
and consequently, not very transferable from one research field to another,
it seems clear that the method advances consolidated in the exact sciences can
be profitably recovered in the less formalized sciences. Medical studies, for
example, have borrowed the positivist approach that has established itself and
evolved as a method of knowledge in the field of natural re-search, electing it
as its own method. Based on this approach, with fluctuating levels of success
but certainly with a continuous and indisputable advance in knowledge, they
have accumulated scientific results which, through independent developments,
have resulted in an ontological “knowledge” of the anatomy and physiology of
the human being.
It is hoped that the reader will find useful the conceptualizations, certainly
not exhaustive, described in what follows, which introduce the research methodology
for knowledge that science has developed over time. The intent is to
outline a historical path that can provide useful elements to present, in sufficiently
complete terms, the concept of paradigm, thus making it possible to
understand the theoretical proposal presented here, which is part of a specific
paradigm, the systems paradigm, and is related to a stimulating way of representing
the being and behavior of business organizations: the Viable Systems
Approach (VSA).
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