Key structuring elements of today’s digital econ-omy are digital markets and services (i.e., the Digital Markets Act and the Digital Services Act) leading to a new season in the area of innovation policies.
It is the season of the centralization of governance and enforcement powers in the hands o...
Key structuring elements of today’s digital econ-omy are digital markets and services (i.e., the Digital Markets Act and the Digital Services Act) leading to a new season in the area of innovation policies.
It is the season of the centralization of governance and enforcement powers in the hands of the European Commission, through which the European Union sets direction and speed. The direction looks forward to empowering the protagonists of the digital ecosystem and properly running the markets. The keywords of the new policies are indeed fairness, openness, and non-discrimination.
The speed is the one recognized by innovation: from rigid and static obligations and prohibitions, the European commission proposed flexible and dynamic guidance, responding to market developments and requests from Member States, which recommend proposals for modernization, revision and introduction of new rules.
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